
De Inkipedia
Revisión del 17:42 26 dic 2020 de en>Fumple (Copied over code that should be loaded both on desktop and mobile)
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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users both on desktop and mobile */

/* strawpoll */

// ================================================================================
// Page specific JS/CSS
// ================================================================================

//Check page specific files
mw.loader.using("mediawiki.api", function () {
    var skin = mw.config.get("skin"),
        page = mw.config.get("wgPageName"),
        user = mw.config.get("wgUserName");
  	var pages = [
        ['MediaWiki:Common.js/' + page + ".js", "js"],
        ['MediaWiki:Common.css/' + page + ".css", "css"],
        ['MediaWiki:' + skin + '.js/' + page + ".js", "js"],
        ['MediaWiki:' + skin + '.css/' + page + ".css", "css"]
    if(user != null) pages.push(
        ['User:' + user + '/common.js/' + page + ".js", "js"],
        ['User:' + user + '/common.css/' + page + ".css", "css"],
        ['User:' + user + '/' + skin + '.js/' + page + ".js", "js"],
        ['User:' + user + '/' + skin + '.css/' + page + ".css", "css"]
        if (el[1] == "js") {
            if(new URL(window.location).searchParams.get("disable-page-js") != null) return;
            mw.loader.load('/w/index.php?title=' + encodeURIComponent(el[0]) + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript');
        else {
            if(new URL(window.location).searchParams.get("disable-page-css") != null) return;
            mw.loader.load('/w/index.php?title=' + encodeURIComponent(el[0]) + '&action=raw&ctype=text/css', 'text/css');

// ================================================================================
// Username replace function for [[Template:USERNAME]]
// ================================================================================
// Inserts user name into <span class="insertusername"></span>.
// Disable by setting disableUsernameReplace = true.
jQuery(function($) {
  if (typeof(disableUsernameReplace) != 'undefined' && disableUsernameReplace)
  var username = mw.config.get('wgUserName');
  if (username == null)


// ================================================================================
// Editcount replace function for [[Template:EDITCOUNT]]
// ================================================================================
// Inserts edit count into <span class="inserteditcount"></span>
jQuery(function($) {
  var userEditCount = mw.config.get('wgUserEditCount');
  if (userEditCount == null)


// ================================================================================
// Registration date replace function for [[Template:REGISTRATIONDATE]]
// ================================================================================
// Inserts registration date into <span class="insertregistrationdate"></span>
jQuery(function($) {
  var userRegistrationDate = mw.config.get('wgUserRegistration');
  if (userRegistrationDate == null)
  var d = new Date(0); // Sets the date to the epoch


//                        Schedule Utility Functions                         //

// Advances a timestamp to the next multiple of 2 hours
function advanceDateTime(time) {
    var ret = new Date(time.getTime());
    ret.setTime(ret.getTime() + 3600000 * (
        ret.getUTCHours() & 1 ? 1 : 2
    return ret;

// Formats a timestamp as a string in local time
function formatDateTime(time) {
    var ret =
        [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
          "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
        ][time.getMonth()] + " " +
        time.getDate() + " " +
        zeroPad(time.getHours(), 2) + ":" +
        zeroPad(time.getMinutes(), 2)
    return ret;

// Parses a UTC date string in the format "MMM dd hh:mm YYYY", the year at the end of the string is optional and replaces the year argument if provided
function parseDateTime(text, year) {
    text = text.split(/[\s:]+/);
    if(parseInt(text[4]) != NaN && parseInt(text[4]) < 9999 && parseInt(text[4]) >= 1970) year = text[4];
    return new Date(Date.UTC(
        { jan: 0, feb: 1, mar: 2, apr: 3, may:  4, jun:  5,
          jul: 6, aug: 7, sep: 8, oct: 9, nov: 10, dec: 11
        parseInt(text[1]), // Day
        parseInt(text[2]), // Hours
        parseInt(text[3]), // Minutes
        0, 0 // Seconds, milliseconds

// Parses a last-fetched string into a Date object
function parseFetched(now, text) {
    var ret = parseDateTime(text, now.getUTCFullYear());
    if (now < ret) // Accounts for year boundary
        ret.setUTCFullYear(ret.getUTCFullYear() - 1);
    return ret;

// Parses a schedule string into a Date object
function parseSchedule(fetched, text) {
    var ret = parseDateTime(text, fetched.getUTCFullYear());
    if (ret.getTime() < fetched.getTime() - 8640000000)
        ret.setUTCFullYear(ret.getUTCFullYear() + 1);
    return ret;

// Calculates the time remaining until a given timestamp, as a string
function timeUntil(now, target) {
    target      = target.getTime() - now.getTime();
    target      = Math.floor(target % 7200000 / 1000);
    var seconds = zeroPad(target % 60, 2);
    var minutes = zeroPad(Math.floor(target / 60) % 60, 2);
    var hours   = Math.floor(target / 3600);
    return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;

// Pad a number with leading zeroes
function zeroPad(number, digits) {
    number = "" + number;
    while (number.length < digits)
        number = "0" + number;
    return number;

//                           BattleSchedule Class                            //

// Maintains auto-updating Ink Battle schedule elements

// Object constructor
var BattleSchedule = function() {

    // Initialize instance fields
    this.lblNow     = document.getElementById("battle1");
    this.lblNext    = document.getElementById("battle2");
    this.lblFetched = document.getElementById("battleFetched");
    this.prev       = false;

    // Error checking
    if (!this.lblFetched) return; // No schedule data

    // Get the current and last-fetched timestamps
    var now     = new Date();
    var fetched = parseFetched(now, this.lblFetched.innerHTML);

    // Determine the timestamp of the following two rotations  = advanceDateTime(fetched);
    this.later = advanceDateTime(;

    // Update initial display
    this.lblFetched.innerHTML = formatDateTime(fetched);

    // Schedule periodic updates
    var that = this;
    this.timer = setInterval(function() { that.onTick(new Date()); }, 1000);

// Periodic update handler
BattleSchedule.prototype.onTick = function(now) {

    // Determine when the "Now" row enters the past
    if (now >= && !this.prevNow) {
        this.prev             = true;
        this.lblNow.innerHTML = "Previous";

    // Determine when the "Next" row enters the past
    if (now >= this.later && !this.prevNext) {
        this.lblNext.innerHTML = "Previous";

    // Display the time until the next rotation
    this.lblNext.innerHTML =
        (this.prev ? "Now, for another " : "Next, in ") +
        timeUntil(now, this.prev ? this.later :

new BattleSchedule();

//                           SalmonSchedule Class                            //

// Maintains auto-updating Salmon Run schedule elements

// Object constructor
var SalmonSchedule = function() {

    // Get the current and last-fetched timestamps
    var lblFetched = document.getElementById("salmonFetched");
    if (!lblFetched) return; // No schedule
    var now        = new Date();
    var fetched    = parseFetched(now, lblFetched.innerHTML);

    // Initialize instance fields
    this.slots = [
        this.parse(document.getElementById("salmon1"), fetched),
        this.parse(document.getElementById("salmon2"), fetched),

    // Update initial display
    lblFetched.innerHTML = formatDateTime(fetched);

    // Schedule periodic updates
    var that = this;
    this.timer = setInterval(function() { that.onTick(new Date()); }, 1000);

// Periodic update handler
SalmonSchedule.prototype.onTick = function(now) {

    // Cycle through slots
    for (var x = 0; x < this.slots.length; x++) {
        var slot = this.slots[x];
        if (slot.prev) continue; // Skip this slot

        // Determine when this slot should stop updating
        slot.prev = now >= slot.end;

        // Update the element
        slot.element.innerHTML =
            now >= slot.end ? "Previous" :
            now >= slot.start ? "Now - " + formatDateTime(slot.end) :
            formatDateTime(slot.start) + " - " + formatDateTime(slot.end)

    // De-schedule the timer
    if (this.slots[this.slots.length - 1].prev)

// Parse a single Salmon Run schedule slot
SalmonSchedule.prototype.parse = function(element, fetched) {
    var text = element.innerHTML;
    return {
        element: element,
        start:   parseSchedule(fetched, text.substring( 0, 12)),
        end:     parseSchedule(fetched, text.substring(15, 27)),
        prev:    false

new SalmonSchedule();

//                            ShopSchedule Class                             //

// Maintains auto-updating SplatNet 2 Shop schedule elements

// Object constructor
var ShopSchedule = function() {
    var lblFetched = document.getElementById("shopFetched");
    if (!lblFetched) return; // No schedule

    // Get the current and last-fetched timestamps
    var now     = new Date();
    var fetched = parseFetched(now, lblFetched.innerHTML);

    // Update initial display
    lblFetched.innerHTML = formatDateTime(fetched);

new ShopSchedule();

//                          SplatfestSchedule Class                          //

// Maintains auto-updating Splatfest schedule elements

// Object constructor
var SplatfestSchedule = function() {

    // Initialize instance fields
    var now = new Date();
    this.slots = [
        this.parse(document.getElementById("splatfest1"), now),
        this.parse(document.getElementById("splatfest2"), now),
        this.parse(document.getElementById("splatfest3"), now)

    // Update initial display

    // Schedule periodic updates
    var that = this;
    this.timer = setInterval(function() { that.onTick(new Date()); }, 1000);

// Periodic update handler
SplatfestSchedule.prototype.onTick = function(now) {

    // Cycle through slots
    for (var x = 0; x < this.slots.length; x++) {
        var slot = this.slots[x];
        if (slot.prev) continue; // Skip this slot

        // Determine when this slot should stop updating
        slot.prev = now >= slot.end;

        // Update the element
        slot.element.innerHTML =
            now >= slot.end ? "Concluded" :
            now >= slot.start ? "Now - " + formatDateTime(slot.end) :

    // De-schedule the timer
    if (this.slots[this.slots.length - 1].prev)

// Parse a single Splatfest schdule slot
SplatfestSchedule.prototype.parse = function(element, now) {

    // Error checking
    if (!element) return { prev: true };

    // Determine the current time and start and end timestamps
    var start = parseDateTime(element.innerHTML, now.getUTCFullYear());
    return {
        element: element,
        start:   start,
        end:     new Date(start.getTime() + 172800000),
        prev:    false

new SplatfestSchedule();

// ================================================================================
// MediaLoader - Prevent audio from loading until clicked
// Version 2 (19.04.2020)
// ================================================================================

window.MediaLoader = {};
window.MediaLoader.FileCache = {};

function MLGetFileFromName(name){
    return new Promise(function(k,no){
        if(window.MediaLoader.FileCache[name] == null){
            new mw.Api().get({
                "action": "parse",
                "format": "json",
                "text": "[["+name+"]]",
                "prop": "text",
                "contentmodel": "wikitext"
                var filetext = $($.parseHTML(file.parse.text["*"])).find('p').html();
                window.MediaLoader.FileCache[name] = filetext;

        $(this).data("state", "unloaded");
        var children = $(this).children();
        if(children.length < 1){
            console.error("[MediaLoader] Error P1");
        var child = $(children[0]);
            var parent = $(this).parent().parent();
                if("state") == "unloaded"){
          "state", "busy");
                        parent.find(".MediaLoader-text").text("Unload ""name"));
              "state", "loaded");
                    }, console.error)
                else if("state") == "loaded"){
                    $(this).text("Load ""name"));
          "state", "unloaded");
      "state", "error");
                $(this).text("An unexpected error has occured");
                parent.find(".MediaLoader-file").children("a").attr("href", "//""file"))
                $(this).css("cursor", "");
        child.find(".MediaLoader-text").text("Load "+$(this).data("name"));
        child.find(".MediaLoader-text").css("cursor", "pointer");
        var children = $(this).children();
        if(children.length < 2){
            console.error("[MediaLoadAll] Error P1");
            var parent = $(this).parent();
                var load = $(this).hasClass("MediaLoadAll-load");
                $("group") != "{{{group}}}" ? '.MediaLoader[data-group="'"group")+'"]' : ".MediaLoader").each(function(){
                    if(($(this).data("state") == "unloaded" && load) || ($(this).data("state") == "loaded" && !load))
                $(this).text("An unexpected error has occured");
                $(this).css("cursor", "");
        $(this).css("display", "")
        children.filter(".MediaLoadAll-load").text("Load all "+$(this).data("name"));
        children.filter(".MediaLoadAll-unload").text("Unload all "+$(this).data("name"));
        children.css("cursor", "pointer");