Pan vs. Arroz vs. Pasta

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Palacio vs. Parque temático vs. Playa
Pasado vs. Presente vs. Futuro

¿Qué podrías comer todos los días?
Pan vs. Arroz vs. Pasta
Equipos Pan
Regiones Global

10 agosto 2024 a las 00:00 UTC.

Fin 12 agosto 2024 a las 00:00 UTC.
Duración 48 horas
Ganador Arroz
Este artículo trata sobre el festival en Splatoon 3. Para el Festival de Splatoon, consulte Arroz vs. Pan.

Pan vs. Arroz vs. Pasta fue un Festival en Splatoon 3. Fue el segundo Festival que se llevará a cabo durante Temporada abrasadora 2024 y fue anunciado en las redes sociales el 17 julio 2024[1].


The Tricolor Turf War stage for this Splatfest is Callejones Crustáceo.


  • Splatfest Sneak Peek: 2 agosto 2024 at 08:00 UTC to 9 agosto 2024 at 23:59 UTC
  • Splatfest Main Event First Half: 10 agosto 2024 at 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC
  • Splatfest Main Event Second Half: 12 agosto 2024 at 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC

Results will be announced in-game on 13 agosto 2024 at 02:00 UTC.

Resultados parciales

En el punto medio del festival, el Clan Surimi reveló el equipo con la mayor aportación hasta el momento y anunció seguidamente que el modo Ataque Tricolor ya era jugable.

Pan Arroz Pasta
32.83% 33.45% 33.72%


Categoría Pan Arroz Pasta
90p (1ro)
45p (2do)
31.25% 35.93% 32.82%
70p (1st)
35p (2nd)
17.57% 61.71% 20.72%
Clout (Open)
120p (1st)
60p (2nd)
32.99% 33.73% 33.28%
Clout (Pro)
120p (1st)
60p (2nd)
33.52% 31.33% 34.65%
180p (1st)
90p (2nd)
33.45% 34.41% 32.14%
Total 150p 460p 260p

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Diálogo Diálogo Región

“Which could you eat every day?
The choices are bread, rice, and pasta!”
Big Man

“Ay! (Place your orders, everyone!)”

“Competing this time, we have bread,
with whatever you like to spread on it.”


“Or you could go rice. Soft, chewy, and
smooth, it goes great with any side!”

Big Man

“Ay! (For me, I like to slurp up a perfect
plateful of pasta!)”

“I already know where I'd land. If I can only
have one, it's gotta be piping hot rice.”


“Rice fills you up and keeps you goin' for
hours. It's perfect for a prefight meal!”
Big Man

“Ay? Ay?! (You mean "match", not "fight",
right? Right?!)”

“If I'm in for the long haul, bread has the
most variety. Toasted, buttered, and so on.”
“Ooo, and that's not even counting all the
kinds of jam.”

“And don't get me started on pastries,
unless you have all day.”

Big Man

“Ay. Ay. (Well, I think pasta is so delicious
that I wouldn't need variety. Just sauce.)”

Big Man

“Ay. (A heaping pile of pasta is as satisfying
to look at as it is to eat.)”
“You got me there. Hmm.”


“Ugh! OK, new plan. Main course of rice, side
of pasta, and sweetbread for dessert!”
Big Man

“Ay... (Frye, that's not what sweetbread

“But no. I gotta stick to rice! Fried rice,
tempura donburi, bibimbap, étouffée...”


“Bread is just as versatile, you know. Think
of sandwiches, croissants, and pizza.”

Big Man

“Ay?! Ay! (Are we pretending there's only
one kind of pasta?! Gno way!)”
Notas: "Gno" is most likely a pun on "gnocchi", a type of pasta.
Diálogo Diálogo Región

“Which could you eat everyday?
The Splatfest is on now!”
Big Man

“Ay! (Join in the fun by choosing a team at
the Pledge Box on the street!)”

Diálogo Diálogo Región

“Rice is nice!”


“What a crumby outcome.”
Big Man

“Ay... (Like my beloved penne, our dreams of victory are cut short...)”

“Team Rice was unstoppable! I told you all it was the best prefight food.”

“I thought Team Bread's buttery-smooth execution would make them a sure thing.”
Big Man
“Ay. (While Team Pasta might have been stretched too thin with what we had.)”


“Good job, you two. All these terrible food jokes are making me hungry.”

“You're telling me. I could go for something filling.”


“An all-rice meal, in honor of the results. Who's up for jambalaya or kimchi?”
Big Man

“Ay! (Put me down for congee and moffles!)”

“I'll stick to the classics, like curry rice, doria, and good ol' risotto.”
Big Man

“Ay? (How many stomachs do you have in there?)”

“Oh, don't worry about me. I could eat your cooking all day, Big Man!”
Big Man

“Ay... Ay?! (Aw, that's nice of you to say... Wait, am I the one preparing all of this?!)”


Diálogo Diálogo Región

“Wat zou je het liefst elke dag eten?
Je kunt kiezen uit brood, rijst en pasta!”

(What would you most preferably eat every day? You can choose between bread, rice, and pasta!)

“Ay! (Dat staat er op het menu!)”

(Ay! (That is what there is on the menu!))

“Brood is niet alleen broodnodig, maar ook
eh, broodlekker. Wat je er ook op doet.”

(Bread is not only breadly needed, but also eh, breadelicious. No matter what you put on it.)

Notas: Broodnodig ("essential, badly needed") is a pun on brood ("bread"). Broodlekker is a nonexistent word coming from brood and lekker ("delicious").


“Maar rijst... Er is witte, bruine, zilvervlies en zo
veel meer. De vraag rijst, wie lust er geen rijst?”

(But rice... There is white, brown, wholegrain and so much more. The question arises, who doesn't like rice?)
Notas: Frye makes a pun in that rijst means "rice" and is an inflection of rijzen ("rise, arise").


“Ay. Ay! (Doe mij maar pasta, in soep, met saus
of ovenheerlijke lasagne. Het is heel flexibel!)”

(Ay. Ay! (I will just have pasta, in soup, with sauce or more than delicious lasagne. It is very flexible!))
Notas: Ovenheerlijk is a nonexistent word coming from overheerlijk ("more than delicious") and oven ("oven"), as lasagne is prepared in an oven.

“Mijn keuze is gemaakt. De rijzende ster
van de drie opties is rijst.”

(My choice is made. The rising star of the three options is rice.)


“Rijst neemt smaak op en kan samenballen, zoals
mijn team samenbalt voor een keihard gevecht.”

(Rice absorbs flavour and can coalesce, just like my team together clenches for a rock-hard battle.)
“Ay? Ay?! (Je bedoelt een vriendelijk
gevecht, toch? Toch?!)”

(Ay? Ay?! (You mean a friendly battle, right? Right?!))
Notas: Samenballen is a pun in that it means "to coalesce", as in rice, and samen ("together") and ballen ("to clench [your fist]"), as in readying yourself along with others for a fight.

“Brood is kampioen! Zoet, hartig, geroosterd,
belegd! Noem maar op, het kan allemaal!”

(Bread is the champion! Sweet, umami, roasted, with toppings! You name it, all of it is possible!)
“Goede puntjes! Met jam of chocopasta of kaas
of ham of... of... of...! Ik kan niet kiezen...”

(Good points! With jam or chocolate spread or cheese or ham or... or... or...! I can't choose...)
Notas: Puntjes is a pun in that it is plural for "bun" and plural and diminutive for "point."

“En er zijn allerlei graansoorten. Tarwe, spelt [sic]
mais... en Rays favoriet... roggebrood.”

(And there are various types of grain. Wheat, spelt, maize... and Big Man's favorite... rye bread.)

Notas: Roggebrood is a pun on rogge ("rye") and similar-sounding plural for "ray, stingray."


“Ay. Ay... (Heel grappig. En trouwens... pasta
heeft ook beleg: pesto, alfredo, marinara...)”

(Ay. Ay... (Very funny. And besides... pasta has toppings too: pesto, Alfredo, marinara...))


“Ay. (Wie zegt er nou nee tegen een bord vol
prachtige slierten spaghetti?)”

(Ay. (Who would say no against a plate full of splendid strands of spaghetti?))
“Hm, ik raak een beetje de sliert... de draad
kwijt over wat ik wil.”

(Hm, I am losing the strand... the thread a bit about what I want.)


“Oké, ik weet 't! Eerst pastasalade, dan rijst
als hoofdgerecht, en als toetje avondbrood!”

(Okay, I got it! First pasta salad, then rice as main course, and for dessert, evening bread!)

“Ay... (Muriël, avondbrood is geen toetje...)”

(Ay... (Frye, evening bread is not a dessert...))
Notas: Avondbrood is a supper where bread is the main food.

“Nee! Ik blijf toch bij rijst plakken. Mmm, in
nasi, risotto, paella, sushi en rijstevlaai.”

(No! I will stick to rice anyway. Mmm, in nasi, risotto, paella, sushi and rice flan.)


“Ja, maar werp eens een bakblik op brood!
Daarbij heb je croissants! Tortilla's! Pizza!”

(Yes, but take a look at bread! With that you have croissants! Tortillas! Pizza!)

Notas: Shiver makes a pun with the expression een blik werpen op ("to take a look at") and bakblik ("bread pan, cake pan").


“Ay?! Ay! (En denk aan alle pasta! Farfalle,
gnocchi, tortellini! Te veel om neer te penne!)”

(Ay?! Ay! (And think of all the pasta! Farfalle, gnocchi, tortellini! Too much to write down!))
Notas: Penne is a pun in that it is a type of pasta and is similar-sounding to the verb pennen ("to write with a pen").
Diálogo Diálogo Región

“Wat zou je het liefst elke dag eten? Zet je
tanden in die vraag tijdens het Splatfest!”

(What would you most preferably eat every day? Sink your teeth into that question during the Splatfest!)

“Ay! (Maak je koolhydratenkeuze bij de
stembus en doe mee!)”

(Ay! (Make your carbohydrate choice at the Pledge Box and join in!))

Diálogo Diálogo Región

“Niemand die Team Rijst velt op het slagveld!”

(There is nobody who fells Team Rice on the battlefield!)


“Die fans van pilav zijn nie laf.”

(Those fans of pilaf are not cowardly.)

“Ay... (We waren niet zo goed in vorm als we

(Ay... (We were not as good in shape as we thought...))

“Goed werk, Team Rijst! Jullie hebben
tegenstanders flink op de korrel genomen.”

(Good work, Team Rice! You folks have drawn a bead on opponents considerably.)

Notas: Op de korrel nemen ("to draw a bead on") is a pun korrel ("grain"), as in rijstkorrel ("grain of rice").
“Team Brood was ook heel degelijk en heeft
op het scherpst van de snede gespeeld.”

(Team Bread was also very solid and has played on a knife's edge.)
“Ay! (En Team Pasta heeft goed met de
elleboogjes gewerkt!)”

(Ay! (And Team Pasta has jockeyed for position well!))
Notas: Degelijk ("solid, sound") is a pun on deeg ("dough") and could be interpreted as meaning "dough-like". Big Man makes a pun on met de ellebogen werken ("to jockey for position") and elleboogjes ("elbow macaroni").


“We zijn weer lekker bezig. Ik krijg trek
van al die eetgrappen.”

(We are on a roll again. I am getting an appetite from all those food jokes.)

“Nu je het zegt, lust ik ook wel een hapje.”

(Now that you mention it, I could also go for a snack.)


“Wat dachten jullie van een rijsttafel ter ere
van het winnende team?”

(How about a rice table in honor of the winning team?)

“Ay! Ay! (Goed idee! Ik hou er altijd van om
nasi te nassen!)”

(Ay! Ay! (Good idea! I always love to chow down nasi!))

“En natuurlijk andere rijstgerechten!
Arancini, bibimbap, rijstebrij...”

(And naturally other rice dishes! Arancini, bibimbap, rice porridge...)

“Ay? (Zeg, hoeveel magen heb jij eigenlijk?)”

(Ay? (Say, exactly how many stumachs do you have?))

“O, dat maakt niks uit. Wat je ook kookt,
ik eet het allemaal met liefde op, Ray!”

(Oh, it does not matter. Whatever you might cook, I will eat it all up with love, Big Man!)

“Ay... Ay?! (Ah, wat aardig dat je dat zegt...
Wacht, bedoel je dat ik alles moet koken?!)”

(Ay... Ay?! (Ah, what kind of you to say that... Wait, do you mean I must cook everything?!))


Diálogo Diálogo Región

«Что ты можешь есть каждый день?
Хлеб, рис или макароны?»

(What you can eat every day? Bread, rice, or pasta?)
Биг Ман

«Ик! (Размещайте ваши «заказы»!)»

(Ay! (Place your «orders»!))

«У нас есть хлеб с тучей вариантов
намазок и начинок.»

(Here we have bread with a ton of spread and filling variants.)


«Или же рис! Мягенький,
рассыпчатый – всему гарнир!»

(Or rice! So soft, fluffy – a universal side dish!)

Биг Ман

«Ик! (А мне, пожалуйста, тарелку
макарон – буду уплетать за обе щеки!)»

(Ay! (And I'll have a plate of pasta, please – I'm ready to stuff myself with it!))

«Я свой выбор сделала.
Рис с пылу с жару круче всего!!!»

(My choice is made. Piping hot rice is the coolest of all!!!)


«Он питательный и сытный – идеальная
еда для изнурительного махача!»

(It's nutritious and filling – a perfect food for a grueling thrashing!)
Биг Ман
«Ик! Ик? (Не «махача», а «матча»!
Матча же?!)»

(Ay! Ay? (It's «match», not «thrashing»! It's match, right?!))
Notas: The joke is based on the words матч match ("match") and махач makhach (a slang word meaning a ruthless fistfight) sounding similar.

«На хлебе можно долго продержаться!
Его столько видов, что не надоест.»

(You can last for a long while on bread! There's so many types of it that you won't get tired.)
«И это не считая всех видов джема,
с которыми его можно есть!!!»

(And that's not counting all kinds of jam with which you can eat it!!!)

«Я уже не говорю про выпечку. Потому что,
если я начну, это на весь день.»

(And I'm not even mentioning the pastries. Because if I will, it'll take all day.)

Биг Ман

«Ик. Ик! (А макароны такие вкусные, им
ничего лишнего не надо. Хватит соуса!)»

(Ay. Ay! (But pasta is so delicious, it doesn't need anything extra. A sauce is enough!))

Биг Ман

«Ик... Ик. (Огромная порция макарон...
выглядит так притягательно.)»

(Ay... Ay. (A huge serving of pasta... looks so tempting.))
«И не поспоришь. Хм-м-м.»

(No doubt about it for sure. Hm-m-m.)


«Ох, ладно! Начнем с риса, макароны на второе, и... тертый калач на десерт!»

(Oh, okay! Let's start with rice, leave pasta for the second course, and... a kneaded kalach for dessert!)
Биг Ман

«Ик... (Мурия, «тертый калач» –
это не то, что ты думаешь...)»

(Ay... (Frye, «kneaded kalach» isn't what you think it is...))
Notas: Тёртый калач tyortyy kalach (literally "a kneaded kalach") is an idiom meaning "an experienced or well-worn person", "a seasoned man".

«Хотя не-е-е. Рис – это мое! И жареный,
и домбури... И пибимпап, и этуфе...»

(Actually, na-a-ah. Rice is my real thing! Fried rice, donburi... Bibimbap, étouffée...)


«А к хлебу сколько всего относится! Булки,
круассаны... Пиццу давно пора включить!»

(Bread includes so many things, though! Buns, croissants... It's about time to include pizza as well!)

Биг Ман

«Ик! Ик! (Не забывайте про макароны!
Макарон тоже много разных!)»

(Ay! Ay! (Don't forget about pasta! Pasta has many different types too!))

Diálogo Diálogo Región

«Сплатфест открыт! Наша тема:
«Что ты можешь есть каждый день?»»

(The Splatfest is open! Our theme is: «What you can eat every day?»)
Биг Ман

«Ик! (Сделайте свой выбор в терминале
для голосования на площади, и вперед!)»

(Ay! (Make your choice at the Pledge Box in the square and go!))

Diálogo Diálogo Región

«Говорят же, «Рис» – благородное дело!»

(Just as they say, «Rice» is a noble cause!)

Notas: The pun comes from a Russian proverb "риск - благородное дело" "risk - blagorodnoe delo" (literally "risk is a noble cause", meaning "nothing venture, nothing win"), where the word риск risk ("risk") is changed for a consonant word рис ris ("rice").

«А нам досталась дырка от крабового

(And all we got is a crab donut hole.)
Биг Ман

«Ик... (Наши планы на победу тоже...

(Ay... (Our victory plans also got... overcooked...))
Notas: In his pun, Big Man changed the word развалились razvalilis' ("fell apart") for a consonant word разварились razvarilis' ("got overcooked").

«Команду «Рис» было не остановить!
Лучшая еда для махача, я же говорила.»

(Team «Rice» was unstoppable! This is the best food for thrashing, told you.)

Notas: Frye references the joke she said in her announcement dialogue.
«А я надеялась, что у команды «Хлеб»
все пойдет как по маслу.»

(And I hoped that everything will go butter-smoothly for team «Bread».)
Биг Ман
«Ик... ик. (И «Макароны»...

(Ay... ay. (And «Pasta» also... flowed with embarrassment.))
Notas: Shiver's joke comes from a Russian phrase "идти как по маслу" "idti kak po maslu" (literally "to go like through the butter") meaning "to go smoothly", "like clockwork".
Big Man's pun is a combination of the words оконфузились okonfuzilis' ("embarrassed themselves") and лились lilis' ("flowed", "poured").


«А вы жжете!!! Такие ужасные каламбуры
хочется срочно чем-нибудь перебить.»

(Oh you're rocking!!! I want to take away the taste of such terrible puns with something else immediately.)

«Не говори. Я бы как раз съела что-нибудь

(You're telling me. I'd just like to eat something filling right now.)


«Тогда блюда из риса в честь результатов!
Джамбалайя? Рис с кимчи? Кому что?»

(Then rice dishes in honor of the results it is! Jambalaya? Kimchi rice? Who wants what?)
Биг Ман

«Ик! (Я буду конджи и рисовые вафли!)»

(Ay! (I'll have some congee and rice waffles!))

«А я ударю по классике: рис с карри,
дориа да старое доброе ризотто.»

(And I'll hit the classic: curry rice, doria and good old risotto.)
Биг Ман

«Ик? (У тебя там несколько желудков,
что ли?)»

(Ay? (Do you have several stomachs or something?))

«За меня не переживай, Биг Ман.
Для твоей еды всегда места хватит!»

(Don't worry about me, Big Man. There's always enough space for your food!)
Биг Ман

«Ик... Ик! Ик?! (Спасибо на добром слове...
Стоп! Это я все, что ли, буду готовить?!)»

(Ay... Ay! Ay?! (Thanks for the kind words... Stop! Am I the one who's going to cook all this?!))


Diálogo Diálogo Región

«Cosa mangeresti tutti i giorni?
Le scelte sono pane, riso e pasta!»

(What would you eat everyday? The choices are bread, rice and pasta!)

«Man! (Fate il vostro ordine, gente!)»

(Ay! (Place your order, people!))

«I concorrenti stavolta sono il pane, con
qualunque cosa vogliate spalmarci sopra...»

(The contestants this time are bread, with whatever you want to spread on it...)


«Il riso, soffice, un po' gommoso, un po'
dolce, un po' no, va bene con tutto!»

(Rice, soft, a little chewy, a little sweet, a little not, goes well with everything!)


«Man! Man! (E infine la pasta!
Per me è la scelta più appetitosa!)»

(Ay! Ay! (And finally the pasta! For me it's the most appetizing choice!))

«Io invece, siccome posso scegliere solo una
cosa, vado con un piatto di riso fumante.»

(I instead, since I can only choose one thing, go with a plate of steaming rice.)


«Il riso ti riempi e ti dà energia per ore.
È perfetto prima di una bella zuffa!»

(Rice fills you up and gives you energy for hours. It's perfect before a good fight!)
«Man...? (Volevi dire "partita",
non "zuffa", vero...?)»

(Ay...? (You meant "match", not "fight", right...?))

«Per me il pane è quello con più varietà.
Dolce, tostato, integrale...»

(For me, bread is the one with the most variety. Sweet, toasted, whole grain...)
«Senza contare i milioni di tipi di marmelllata.»

(Not to count the millions of types of jam.)

«E non fatemi parlare dei varianti del pane,
a meno che non abbiate tutto il giorno.»

(And don't make me talk on bread variations, unless you have all day.)


«Man. Man. (Beh, la pasta è così buona che
non mi serve la varietà. Solo un sugo.)»

(Ay. Ay. (Well, pasta is so good that I don't need the variety. Just a sauce.))


«Man. (Un piatto di pasta dà soddisfazione
sia a guardarlo che mangiarlo.)»

(Ay. (A plate of pasta is satisfying both to look at and to eat.))
«Non hai tutti i torti, in efetti. Mmmh.»

(You're not entirely wrong, actually. Mmmh.)


«Ok, cambio menu. Riso come primo,
pasta come secondo e pane come dessert!»

(Ok, I'm changing the menu. Rice as a first course, pasta as a second course and bread as dessert!)

«Man... (Morena, la pasta non è un secondo
e il pane non è un dessert...)»

(Ay... (Frye, pasta is not a second course and bread is not a dessert...))

«Argh! No, resto col riso. Riso fritto,
bollito, col formaggio, ai funghi...»

(Argh! No, I'll stay with rice. Fried rice, boiled, with cheese, with mushrooms...)


«Il pane è altrettanto verstile, eh.
Pensa ai panini, ai croissant, alla pizza.»

(Bread is just as versatile, eh. Think of sandwiches, of croissants, of pizza.)


«Man?! (Per caso state insinuando che
esiste un solo tipo di pasta?!)»

(Ay?! (Are you by any chance insinuating that there is only one type of pasta?!))

Diálogo Diálogo Región

«Il festival è in corso! E il tema è...
Cosa mangeresti tutti i giorni?»

(The Splatfest is ongoing! And the theme is... What would you eat every day?)

«Man! (Partecipate scegliendo un team
al terminal di voto in piazza!)

(Ay! (Participate by choosing a team at the Pledge Box in the square!))

Diálogo Diálogo Región

«Il riso ha il sorriso!»

(Rice has the smile!)


«Il mio entusiasmo si è sbriciolato.»

(My enthusiasm has crumbled.)

«Man... (Mi si spezza il cuore come quando
si spezzano gli spaghetti...)»

(Ay... (My heart breaks like when spaghetti breaks...))

«Il Team Riso è inarrestabile! Ve l'ho detto
che era il cibo perfetto prima di una zuffa.»

(Team Rice is unstoppable! I told you that it was the perfect food before a fight.)

«Pensavo che il Team Pane non si sarebbe
mai seccato...»

(I thought that Team Bread would never get dryed...)
«Man. (Temo che il Team Pasta sia rimasto
a bollire troppo a lungo).»

(Ay. (I fear that Team Pasta has been left to boil too long).)


«Devo dire che dopo tutte queste terribili battute
sul cibo mi hanno fatto venire fame.»

(I have to say that after all these terrible food jokes they made me hungry.)

«A chi lo dici. Un bel piatto nutriente
ci vorrebbero proprio.»

(Who are you telling it. A nice nutritious dish we really need it.)


«Un piatto di riso, in onore dei vincitori.
Che ne dite di un risotto al nero di seppia?»

(A plate of rice, in honor of the winners. How about a cuttlefish ink risotto?)

«Man! (Per me risotto al radicchio, grazie!)»

(Ay! (For me risotto with radicchio thanks!))

«Io vado con i classici, invece: risotto ai
funghi, alla parmigiana e allo zafferano.»

(I'm going with the classics, instead: mushroom risotto, parmigiana risotto and saffron risotto.)

«Man? (Ma quanto è grande il
tuo stomaco?)»

(Ay? (But how big is your stomach?))

«Oh, non ti preoccupare. Potrei mangiarmi
i tuoi manicaretti tutto il giorno, Mantaleo!»

(Oh, don't worry. I could eat your delicacies all day, Big Man!)

«Man... Man?! (Oh, sei gentile dirlo...
Un attimo. Tocca a me cucinare?!)»

(Ay... Ay?! (Oh, you're kind enough to say that... Wait a minute. Is it my turn to cook?!))



Promotional images

Arte del equipo

Splatfest Tees

In-game screenshots


Idols: Day 1
Idols: Day 2


Names in other languages

Nombre corto
Idioma Nombre Significado
 Japonés パン vs ごはん vs パスタ
Pan vs Gohan vs Pasuta
Pan vs. Arroz vs. Pasta
 Inglés Bread vs. Rice vs. Pasta Pan vs. Arroz vs. Pasta
 Neerlandés Brood vs. Rijst vs. Pasta Pan vs. Arroz vs. Pasta
 Francés Pain vs. Riz vs. Pâtes Pan vs. Arroz vs. Pasta
 Alemán Brot vs. Reis vs. Pasta Pan vs. Arroz vs. Pasta
 Italiano Pane vs. Riso vs. Pasta Pan vs. Arroz vs. Pasta
 Ruso Хлеб против Рис против Макароны
Khleb protiv Ris protiv Makarony
Pan vs. Arroz vs. Pasta
 Chino (Tradicional) 麵包 vs. 米飯 vs. 義大利麵
Miànbāo vs. Mǐfàn vs. Yìdà lì miàn
Pan vs. Arroz vs. Pasta Italiana
 Coreano 빵 vs 밥 vs 파스타
Ppang vs Bap vs Paseuta
Pan vs. Arroz vs. Pasta
 Portugués (NOA) Pão vs. Arroz vs. Massa Pan vs. Arroz vs. Pasta
 Portugués (NOE) Pão vs. Arroz vs. Massa Pan vs. Arroz vs. Pasta
 Internal Carbon De los carbohidratos, que se encuentran en gran cantidad en el pan, el arroz y la pasta.

¿Qué podrías comer todos los días?
Idioma Nombre Significado
 Japonés おなかいっぱい食べるなら?
 Neerlandés Wat zou je het liefst elke dag eten? What would you most preferably eat every day?
 Francés (NOA) Que mangerais-tu tous les jours? What would you eat every day?
 Francés (NOE) Que mangeriez-vous tous les jours ? What would you eat every day?
 Alemán Was könntest du jeden Tag essen? What could you eat every day?
 Italiano Cosa mangeresti tutti i giorni? What would you eat everyday?
 Ruso Что ты можешь есть каждый день?
Chto ty mozhesh' est' kazhdyy den'?
What you can eat every day?
 Chino (Tradicional) 想吃什麼東西填飽肚子?
Xiǎng chī shénme dōngxī tián bǎo dùzi?
Which would you rather fill your belly with?
 Coreano 배부르게 먹는다면?
 Portugués (NOA) Qual você comeria todos os dias? Which would you eat every day?
 Portugués (NOE) O que podemos comer todos os dias? What can we eat every day?

Long name
I'd eat bread every day if I could!
Idioma Nombre Significado
 Neerlandés Ik zou het liefst elke dag brood eten! I would most preferably eat bread every day!
 Italiano Mangerei pane tutti i giorni, se potessi! I would eat bread every day, if I could!
 Ruso Хлеб каждый день!
Khleb kazhdyy den'!
Bread every day!

I'd eat rice every day if I could!
Idioma Nombre Significado
 Neerlandés Ik zou het liefst elke dag rijst eten! I would most preferably eat rice every day!
 Italiano Mangerei riso tutti i giorni, se potessi! I would eat rice every day, if I could!
 Ruso Рис каждый день!
Ris kazhdyy den'!
Rice every day!

I'd eat pasta every day if I could!
Idioma Nombre Significado
 Neerlandés Ik zou het liefst elke dag pasta eten! I would most preferably eat pasta every day!
 Italiano Mangerei pasta tutti i giorni, se potessi! I would eat pasta every day, if I could!
 Ruso Макароны каждый день!
Makarony kazhdyy den'!
Pasta every day!
