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Splatoon 3 Thai

Splatoon 3 is currently not supporting thai language however i have decided to make an if Splatoon 3 supported Thai as a language what would it look like!!!

Note: These are what the idols name are in Thai
Idols Names
หิมะ -> Snow
มุม -> Angle
Big Man
มิโซะเรย์ -> Miso Ray or Miso

Splatoon 4 Idea's


Main Hub

Welcome to Sapphire shore's This Island is in the Outskirts of the calamari region and is home to the Freshest Inklings and Octolings, In Sapphire shore's Theres a shopping district called Sea Star district Home to 5 different shops with in the shopping district there is also a Tableturf Dojo called Tableline Dojo and a Beautiful Starfish Fountain, There is also a Museum where Inklings and Octolings can Donate Special artefacts called star Relics or Even Submit Masterpieces of there own, Sapphire Shore's its truly a Mertastic place!

Shopping District

Sea Star district Home to 5 different shops

Sea N Go

Sea N Go Is currently owned by Sashi, Sashi will give you a catalogue once you reach level 4
, Sashi Is also popular Singer with in Sapphire Shore's They own a band called Moon Wave, Sashi is also Good friends with Shiver From Deep Cut!!!

Octo Crowns

Octo Crowns Is owned by Shelly, Shelly Has grown up Into an Teenager He's now Taking over Sheldon's Legacy,
Shelly Has Re-branded Ammo Knights Into his own little Company called Octo Crowns, You can Trade your Shelly Licence's For unique Weapons!!!

Ocean Cloud

Ocean Cloud is a fashion shop for all the pretty Headgear In Sapphire Shore's, Ocean cloud is Owned by Flow and Craymond, Both Flow and Craymond left Inkopolis square to Move to there home city where they both reside forever, Flow has now Founded that she like's Flower Crowns, Craymond on the other Hands Likes Gothic Clothing...

Star wave

Star wave is a fashion shop for all the pretty Clothing, Star wave Is owned by Trellia, Trellia Is a Young Octoling who speaks for fashion Her stunning dress is Splatastic she also has a fashion sense for High heels, Trellia Also Is apart of a Band called Storm Monarch, However we dont talk about her origin...

Coral Kelp

Coral Kelp is a shoe shop Owned by Oka, Oka is a Gothic male Shrimpling Orgially from Splatsville, Oka Is a Austisic Shrimpling who dose not understand the inklings language that much however he understand half of the time, Oka is siblings with Harmony From Hotlantis

Story mode

Game modes





Music bands

The return of Squidbeats


Song lyrics

Story mode song's

Dark eclipse inklish

Ika: サワ・マワ、グルビ・ヴァンダ・ソウェア・デマルダ・ガウォ
モルカ・トワ・シュリブワ エルカ・ヴォルダ・ムワ・ムワ・スウォール・ブワー...

translated Romji (Ika) : sawa mawa、gurbi vanda soware demarda gauo
morca toi suribwaerka volda muwa muwa swall buwer...
opva rona dewa???

Shiver: バンダ・ニワ・セルウィ・イワサドワ!!! ヴォワンダ・グウェリ・ナウ...

Romji (Shiver) : banda niwa selwei iwasadowa!!! voonda guwelli nau...

Ika: ネリア・ソルデイルウォ。メリティ・サルクデリワ

Romji (ika) : nelia soldailvo. merity sarkderiva