Dinero vs. Fama vs. Amor

De Inkipedia
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¿Qué importa más en la vida?
Dinero vs. Fama vs. Amor
Teams   Dinero
Regiones Global
Comienzo 12 agosto 2023 a las 00:00 UTC
Duración 48 horas
Ganador Dinero
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Este artículo trata sobre el Festival de Splatoon 3. Para el Festival de Splatoon, consulte Amor vs. Dinero. Para el Festival de Splatoon 2, consulte Dinero vs. Amor.

Dinero vs. Fama vs. Amor es un Festival en Splatoon 3. Así lo anunció en las redes sociales el 27 julio 2023.[1] Es el segundo Festival que se lleva a cabo durante la Temporada abrasadora 2023.


The Ataque tricolor stage for this Splatfest was Callejones Crustáceo.


  • Splatfest Sneak Peek: 4 agosto 2023 at 08:00 UTC to 11 agosto 2023 at 23:59 UTC
  • Splatfest Main Event First Half: 12 agosto 2023 at 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC
  • Splatfest Main Event Second Half: 13 agosto 2023 at 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC

Results were announced in-game on 14 agosto 2023 at 2023-08-14 02:00 UTC

Halftime Report

At the halfway point in the Splatfest, Clan Surimi revealed the team currently with the most overall Clout, and congruently announced that the mode Ataque tricolor would be open.

  Dinero   Fama   Amor
33.32% 32.83% 33.85%


Category   Dinero   Fama   Amor
Conch Shells - 7p 35.45% 31.89% 32.66%
Votes - 8p 47.28% 09.10% 43.62%
Clout (Open) - 12p 33.71% 32.44% 33.85%
Clout (Pro) - 12p 29.40% 36.96% 33.64%
Tricolor - 18p 34.19% 32.99% 32.82%
Total 33p 12p 12p


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Announcement Plantilla:NewsDialogue

Results Plantilla:NewsDialogue


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Top 100

Plantilla:Top 100



Camiseta Festiva

Promotional images

In-game screenshots


Idols: Day 1
Idols: Day 2


  • This Splatfest's theme has been featured in every game in the Plantilla:Ss so far; it succeeds the Love vs. Money Splatfest from Plantilla:S and the Money vs. Love Splatfest from Splatoon 2.
    • This variant of the Splatfest theme is the first time the theme was available in all regions, as Love vs. Money was Japan-exclusive and Money vs. Love was North America and Oceania-exclusive.
    • This variant of the Splatfest theme marks the first time Team Love has lost.
  • Shiver's Splatfest choice aligns with her hobby of counting money, which was mentioned in The Art of Splatoon 3.
  • When Callie represents Team Love and Marie represents Team Fame, the Squid Sisters' ink colors resemble their signature ink colors.
  • The song Big Betrayal released shortly after this Splatfest's conclusion centers around an argument between Deep Cut regarding Big Man having secretly collaborated with the Squid Sisters. Each idol's main concerns in the translated portion of the argument reflect the stances they held in this Splatfest.
    • Shiver is concerned with Big Man making money without giving his bandmates a cut, in alignment with her representing Team Money.
    • Frye is concerned with Big Man's association with the Squid Sisters damaging Deep Cut's reputation amidst Inkopolis and Splatsville's ongoing rivalry, in alignment with her representing Team Fame.
    • Big Man is concerned with helping build friendly relations between Inkopolitan and Splatlandian musicians through music collaborations, in alignment with him representing Team Love.
  • The end of the results dialogue, in which Shiver asserts that she is the leader and Frye questions her, may have been foreshadowing the next Splatfest, Shiver vs. Frye vs. Big Man, over who would be the best leader.

Names in other languages

Necesita traducir la información
La siguiente página necesita traducirse al español.
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Idioma Nombre Significado
 Japonés 富 vs. 名声 vs. 愛
Tomi vs. Meisei vs. Ai
Wealth vs. Fame vs. Love
 Inglés Money vs. Fame vs. Love
 Neerlandés Geld vs. Roem vs. Liefde Money vs. Glory vs. Love
 Francés (NOA) Argent vs. Gloire vs. Amour Money vs. Fame vs. Love
 Francés (NOE) L'argent vs. La gloire vs. L'amour Money vs. Fame vs. Love
 Alemán Geld vs. Ruhm vs. Liebe Money vs. Fame vs. Love
 Italiano Denaro vs. Fama vs. Amore Money vs. Fame vs. Love
 Ruso Деньги против Слава против Любовь
Den'gi protiv Slava protiv Lyubov'
Money vs. Fame vs. Love
 Chino (Simplificado) 财富 vs. 名声 vs. 爱
 Chino (Tradicional) 財富 vs. 名聲 vs. 愛 Wealth vs. Fame vs. Love
 Coreano 부 vs. 명성 vs. 사랑
Pu vs. Myŏngsŏng vs. Sarang
Wealth vs. Fame vs. Love
 Portugués Dinheiro vs. Fama vs. Amor
 Internal Life

Idioma Nombre Significado
 Japonés 人生で大事なのは?
Jinsei de daiji na no wa?
What is important in one's life?
 Inglés What's most important in life?
 Neerlandés Waar draait het om in het leven? What does life revolve around?
 Francés (NOA) Qu'est-ce qui compte le plus? What matters most?
 Francés (NOE) Qu'est-ce qui compte le plus ?
Qu'est-ce qui compte le plus dans la vie ?[2]
What matters most in life?
 Alemán Was ist das Wichtigste im Leben? What is the most important thing in life?
 Italiano Cos'è più importante nella vita?
Cosa è più importante per te?[3]
What is most important in life?
What is most important to you?
 Ruso Что в жизни важнее всего?
Chto v zhizni vazhneye vsego?
What is the most important thing in life?
 Chino (Simplificado) 人生中最重要的是什么?
 Chino (Tradicional) 人生中最重要的是什麼? What is the most important thing in life?
 Coreano 인생에서 중요한 것은?
Insaengesŏ chungyohan kŏsŭn?
What is important in life?
 Portugués (NOA) O que é mais importante na vida? [4]
 Portugués (NOE) O que conta mais para ti?

Long name
Money is most important in life!
Idioma Nombre Significado
 Japonés 人生で大事なのは? 「富」
Jinsei de daiji na no wa? 「tomi」
What is important in life? "Money"
 Neerlandés In het leven draait het om geld! In life it revolves around money!
 Francés (NOA) L'argent, c'est le plus important dans la vie! Money is the most important in life!
 Francés (NOE) L'argent, c'est le plus important dans la vie !
 Alemán Geld ist das Wichtigste im Leben! Money is the most important thing in life!
 Italiano Il denaro è più importante nella vita! Money is more important in life!
 Ruso Самое важное в жизни – деньги!
Samoe vazhnoe v zhizni – den'gi!
The most important thing in life is money!
 Chino (Simplificado) 人生中最重要的是什么? "财富"
 Chino (Tradicional) 人生中最重要的是什麼? 「財富」
 Coreano 인생에서 중요한 것은? 「부」 What is important in life? Money"

Fame is most important in life!
Idioma Nombre Significado
 Japonés 人生で大事なのは? 「名声」
Jinsei de daiji na no wa? 「meisei」
What is important in life? "Fame"
 Neerlandés In het leven draait het om roem! In life it revolves around glory!
 Francés (NOA) La gloire, c'est le plus important dans la vie! Fame is the most important in life!
 Francés (NOE) La gloire, c'est le plus important dans la vie !
 Alemán Ruhm ist das Wichtigste im Leben! Fame is the most important thing in life!
 Italiano La fama è più importante nella vita! Fame is more important in life!
 Ruso Самое важное в жизни – слава!
Samoe vazhnoe v zhizni – slava!
The most important thing in life is fame!
 Chino (Simplificado) 人生中最重要的是什么? "名声"
 Chino (Tradicional) 人生中最重要的是什麼? 「名聲」
 Coreano 인생에서 중요한 것은? 「명성」 What is important in life? Fame"

Love is most important in life!
Idioma Nombre Significado
 Japonés 人生で大事なのは? 「愛」
Jinsei de daiji na no wa? 「ai」
What is important in life? "Love"
 Neerlandés In het leven draait het om liefde! In life it revolves around love!
 Francés (NOA) L'amour, c'est le plus important dans la vie! Love is the most important in life!
 Francés (NOE) L'amour, c'est le plus important dans la vie!
 Alemán Liebe ist das Wichtigste im Leben! Love is the most important thing in life!
 Italiano L'amore è più importante nella vita! Love is more important in life!
 Ruso Самое важное в жизни – любовь!
Samoe vazhnoe v zhizni – lyubov'!
The most important thing in life is love!
 Chino (Simplificado) 人生中最重要的是什么? "爱"
 Chino (Tradicional) 人生中最重要的是什麼? 「愛」
 Coreano 인생에서 중요한 것은? 「사랑」 What is important in life? Love"

